
About Camp Hope

Camp Hope is a five-day recreational and residential summer camp in the Chicago area for teenagers and young adults with developmental disabilities. Camp Hope offers typical summer camp activities such as swimming, dancing, singing, arts and crafts, adaptive sports, cookouts, a magic show, and a carnival. The established age range of campers is 15-30, and a wide range of developmental disabilities are accepted. Camp Hope is one of the only residential summer camps in the United States that offers one-on-one care for each camper.

A week at Camp Hope is a fun filled, exciting week of activities, friendships and summer adventure.  Our camp is designed to meet the specific needs of our campers without sacrificing the traditional events which make summer camp so special!

The one-week camp begins on Sunday evening and runs through Friday afternoon.  Each one of our campers is paired with a specifically selected buddy.  The buddy will be with the camper every step of the way through the entire week. Together the camper and buddy will experience all the fun and excitement of summer camp.  All activities are adapted for our campers' needs, and include:

  • Swimming

  • Games and Activities

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Outdoor Carnival & Water Olympics

  • Music

  • Talent Show

  • Costume Dance Party with DJ

  • Chore-Time

  • Cabin Inspection and Dormitory Awards

  • Awards Banquet 

  • Special Presenters - such as Magician, Juggler, Musical Groups, Sports Teams, Dance Exhibition and Lessons

Each year a theme is chosen for the week of camp.  Past themes have included: Under the Sea, Olympics, Jungle Safari, Birthday Party, Neon Rainbow, Space Jam, Paradise, Red, White & Blue, Disco, and Rock nā€™ Roll.  The camp staff work to include this theme in the activities for the week to make each year at camp original and fun. Need more information?  Please check out the FAQ page. You may also contact


Our Board of Directors is a hands-on group of community members who volunteer to provide leadership for our organization as well as coordinate and participate in summer camp activities.

Executive Director: Andrea Perino

Treasurer: Stephen Konsler

Brand Communications Chair & Secretary: Katie Farrell

Camp Committee Chairs: Claire Farrell & Emma Faucher

Growth & Development Chair: Colleen Vedra

Outreach Chairs: Paige Kohut & Justine Santello

Ann Burke

Jonathan Harper

Ellen Romeiser

Joseph Santello

Office Administrator: Laura Fuhrman


26710 West Nippersink Rd.
Ingleside, IL 60041

Camp Hope resides within the convenient and modern facilities of the Red Leaf Village facilities located on the Camp Henry Horner property.
